Solunar Earth CIC

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You Don’t Need Plant Medicine

Sure it can be great, but I don't believe you NEED it.

I know it serves a purpose when held in a sacred way and integrated well, I’ve just never felt the need in my workshops, retreats and ceremonies.

Like at the men's camp once, when we did a 12-hour rite of passage all through the night.

Riding on the Sacred vibes from inside,

completely sober,

and yet intoxicated by the Divine at the same time.

In heightened moments as we open Sacred Space, we can experience total Oneness.

The challenge is to sustain that feeling through the mundane nature of everyday life.

Everyday, we can tap in to the medicine in and through our own bodies.

Just breathing together is enough

Just authentically sharing together is enough

Just dancing together is enough

Just singing together is enough

Just BEING together is enough

Plant Medicine can show you what’s possible but, if you never learn how to do it on your own as well, it can just become another external substance to grasp onto.

And that’s when we get dangerously close to the realm of addiction.

Ram Das’ Teacher said ‘psychedelics can give you a glimpse into the room of the Divine but steady practice of meditation can help you dwell inside’

Too often, I’ve felt the dismal come-down and feeling of sadness as a transient feeling of bliss left me bereft and craving.

When I quit using all substances I still carried on going out (in fact I’m off on a night out soon cause I’m needing a boogie!) and I would dance just as wild as anyone else.

If I felt my energy dropping I would go to the bathroom and do some breathwork to get myself buzzing again!

2am, at a warehouse rave one time, someone asked me ‘what are you on man? You are crazy’

I stopped dancing and replied ‘I’m completely sober’

He looked baffled and walked away.

I continued twerking.

I’ve sat in mushroom ceremonies, got giddy and had visions just by being around the energy and holding a mushroom in the palm of my hand.

I’ve sat with my mates all smoking weed and got high as a kite just on life.

So, let’s step off the roller-coaster ride of getting ecstatic then crashing.

Let’s move into a grounded bliss that comes from being connected to, and in service of, the deepest calling of our heart.

As Buddha says, let’s walk the middle-way.