We are a community, a village, a tribe, a family.

Welcome to the Solunar Sanctuary.

29th August-2nd Sep 2024.

See you there.

This age of instant gratification is destroying connection.

  • Social Media and other technologies are designed to hook us in. They promise joy and deliver only short-term dopamine spikes. This is part of the reason why depression, anxiety and other mental illness is on the rise.

  • Sugar and sweeteners keep us coming back for more and more. It is in EVERYTHING - just check the labels. We are barely conscious of the long-term damage this has on our bodies and minds.

  • Many people suffer from social anxiety. Even when we do get a chance to connect in real life, we are often too anxious to do so. This is because we are not taught tools to calm ourselves and regulate our nervous systems.

We have created a space where you can feel at home

  • Returning to a state of presence you can really look around and remember how blessed you are. Take the time to deeply connect to yourself, others and nature. In Sacred Space we are led to connect to our breath and bodies to bring about peace of mind. This then makes the connection with others and less anxiety-provoking and the connection with nature more delightful.

  • Being close to nature provides joy and grounding. Studies show that touching your bare feet on the Earth allows electrons to flow synchronising your body with the natural frequencies of the Earth.
    Call us hippies but that sounds pretty good to me!

  • Long-lasting happiness comes from making small changes in your daily routine. It could be as simple as picking up a meditation practice or free-flow writing practice. Staying connected to a community of others can help us stay motivated and disciplined. Studies show that cultivating a sense of belonging is a defining factor in living a long and happy life.

  • Creativity is a living, breathing entity. Working with others on creative projects gives us inspired ideas to bounce off one another. Everyone can be creative if they believe in themselves. We hold a judgement-free space where even the most reserved guitarists or poets can have a voice and share their unique creative gifts. Most RDS Events will provide an opportunity for a good old freestyle fire jam.

  • With yoga, dance and more, we have your exercise routine covered and it doesn’t need to be such hard work. We can have heaps of fun whilst also losing weight, keeping our hearts and lungs in optimal condition and curing fatigue by generating better energy flow in our bodies.

  • Meditation and mindfulness are proven to lower stress and anxiety and can even cure depression. The mind is a complicated mechanism, we may get negative thoughts sometimes, but we need not identify ourselves with them. Instead, through support groups and meditation, we can find peace from the inside out.

  • Because we go so deep, people often leave feeling a beautiful sense of solidarity with others in the space. We love to see life-long friendships, business partnerships and romantic relationships budding at the Rising Dawn Sanctuary.

  • We always do our best to use only organic, locally-sourced vegan produce in our food. You won’t find anything artificial here! We have a filtration system for the water so it is clean and fresh. Your body will be treated like the temple it is.


Join the hundreds of people who are taking steps to make this world a kinder, greener, more community-centred place to be.

A community can bring deeper meaning to your work, your relationships, your life.

The 6 Pillars of Solunar Earth

  • Well-Being

    Wholistic Events for Mind, Body and Soul

  • Education

    Alternative Education for Kids and Teens

  • Recovery

    Support for Addictions / Mental Health challenges

  • Care

    Connected, Loving Support for the Elderly

  • Permaculture

    Growing Organic Fruit and Veg & Planting

  • Online Community

    Membership Options to Stay Connected

Come join the Community

What will your Solunar Experience be like?

Whether you are brand new to the world of spirituality or an enlightened Guru we have an experience that will be magical for you.

We endeavour to infuse deeply transformational work with playfulness and wonderment

Meet the ones devoted to bringing this vision down to Earth


Stories from the Tribe

Community is the antidote to the digital age Because you can’t embrace another person in virtual reality…